OK, so I have
not fallen off a cliff into the fathomless void - but I
am frustrated with regard to the lack of sewing opportunities that I have had in the last couple of weeks or so.
The problem is that there would appear to be a distinct
lack of enough time in the statutory 24 hours per day.
Namely, I struggle to fit in what I do to pay the mortgage; keeping the house (& self) in a state on the right side of having the Environmental Health called in; putting enough E-less grub on the table; working off enough of the E-less grub exercising;
playing around with a bit of dirt; and not becoming a hermit and seeing friends and family.
do love the work that I do,
but what with 'times being tough' and consequently having the nose adhered firmly to the grindstone, I
occasionally have (and I am not proud of this) distinctly uncharitable thoughts toward those FORTUNATE ladies who are
not tied to the work wheel and can devote more of their SPARE TIME to their hobbies including sewing and travelling and generally HAVING FUN and ENJOYING THEMSELVES.

All I
have managed in the sewing line is to turn a pair of trousers up, and to make the
tiniest progress of Mum's Quilt. I have done the SID around all the borders and had a little play with the daisy chains up the sashing - and I do like it very much. Hrrumph.
And - breeeeeeathe. Ommmmmmmmmmmmm.
So. I am
very much looking forward to being able to have 'a day with the girls' on Saturday - for the
very good reason that it will be the second of the
Christmas Quiltalong days for 2012 - hurrah, hurrah!
I can't
tell you how much I am looking forward to tripping off the Massachusetts to
Joanna's place for the day where the second installment of the FESTIVE MYSTERY QUILT (courtesy of
QuiltSue) will be revealed, and I just
know we will all have a warm welcome.
And if we are all
very good, Moxie cat might come and say hello - but I think we might keep our threads and scraps to ourselves before she joins in!
Oh - I'm not ready!! I'd better get cutting! I had a change of heart on the background fabric...