Good morning, good morning! And yes,
Lesley you are quite right, it is a
great day for quilting!

Here in the middle of England, the sun is shining, the cats have had breakfast, and so have I - and it is time to get jiggy with the Christmas Quiltalong! Whoop whoop!
We're here on the 8th leg of the 2012 Christmas Quiltalong - can you
believe that? - where we have been either piecing a Mystery Quilt - courtesy of
QuiltSue - or any other Christmas related stitchery - the plan being to not have a massive 'AGGGHHHHHHH' moment at the beginning of December when we realise that all those good intentions of a delightfully quaint home made Christmas are disappearing faster than a glass of sherry in Mother's Union meeting.
So have we got a busy day ahead? Oh yes, I think so! I want to hear the sound of happy fabric being pieced, and sewn, and pressed and sandwiched, and quilted and bound - phew! And let's see if we can have a whole heap of fun on the way!
First up, however, are our thanks to
Sue for making the Quiltalong happen this year with her Festive Mystery Quilt, and to everyone who has played along so far this year -
I kicked things off in February (yeah, yeah,, I'm back again - what of it??);
then we had so much fun with
Joanna, dancing the night away in the March installment;
Lesley's pajama party in April;
Sharon's wonderful angel tree decorations in May;
Paulette's fabulous Nanaimo bar recipe in June;
Lynn's pretty mittens pattern given away in July;
Cathi's wool extravaganza and Christmas chocolate nibbles last month.
So that is more than enough to get you in the party mood!
Right, it's about time I got this place ship-shape - so if you could get signed up below to Mr Linky, and perhaps let us know what you'll be working, and what fancy dress you are wearing to the party...