Well, I must say that those quarter square jobbies are tricksey little numbers - but like everything, I guess that they are easier with practise - either that or my 'sensible approach' wasn't that sensible!

I figured that the method of cutting the squares into triangles, piecing into squares & squaring up would leave much room for error on the seams, so I made half square triangles then swapped them round to the right orientation (yeah - not as easy as it sounds), sewed across the opposite diagonal, cut, open up , and hey presto - quarter square triangles.
The difficulty is in seam matching the half square triangles, and I haven't done the best job in the world on these at all. I've redone a couple of them (three, I think, actually out of the eight) and I am a bit happier.

Of course, the star blocks aren't pieced yet, but it is time for a walk round the world to see what everyone else is up to, and I think that I have earned one of these too.......