Having been given a jelly roll and a quilting book for Christmas 2010, there is no excuse not to get on with quiltmaking.

Here's what happened next...


Saturday, 1 January 2011

A New Year, A New Project

My thoughtful & generous big sister Helen very kindly gave me a jelly roll & a quilting book for Christmas - she knows that I admire the quilts of blog friends, & that I'd love to have a go myself.

When I thanked her for her present on the phone on Christmas day, she said, 'You have no excuse now!'

She's never been afraid to turn her hand at anything arty - she's a fine artist in coloured pencil, turned out a quilt for mum's small dog last year, & knocks out cross stitch & knitting projects at the drop of a (crocheted) hat.

Of course, you can't just dive into these things, & I'm very lucky to have a rather good support network of helpful & clever quilters around who are happy to advise and answer my daft questions.

So first things first - a jaunt to the local craft shop in the next couple of days to scrutinise essential equipment - a cutter, mat & ruler.

I'm not saying that this new endeavour will be quick, & I'm not saying that it will be particularly impressive, but I'm having a crack at it.


  1. Woohoo, you've decided to come out and play with rest of us mad fools! I'll look forward to seeing your creations.

  2. Thanks Sue! :)

    Although your excitement might be tempered when I'm asking the same ol' dopey question for the umpteenth time...

  3. In my experience, quilters are so generous with their time and never mind answering questions, no matter how dumb the asker might think it is. Mind you, ask 50 people the same question and you'll probably get 49 different answers!

  4. Rather like gardeners then!

  5. Guess one or two of your gardening friends (hello Flum!) might end up having to say sorry for leading you astray ......

    Welcome to the wonderfully creative world of buying brand new fabric, cutting it up and then sewing it back together again.

    Make sure you ask every single (not) silly question which pops into your head, we were all beginners once and many times if you could see the hash I make of things you would think I still am!

  6. You all got me in the end, eh, Bilbo!? {gg}


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