I bought a reel of thread yesterday - cotton, 50wt.

'Normal' sewing thread seems to be 100wt, and poly/cotton, or polyester,
but there are different weight & types of thread available for all manner of applications. I know this because the haberdashery dept in our House of Fraser has a particulary useful leaflet produced by Coates telling you all about the differences.
Of the range of about a dozen different types of thread, they only stocked two or three different sorts, so I got the best nearest to the 40wt (as recommended by the girls) in pink, to match the mats/runners.
So this evening I have completed quilting the first of the mats.

I went for super simple - quilting parallel lines across the existing seams to make squares, & well,
blimey - that was difficult! Even with the the Gang of Four passing on the world's best advice.
Gems noted & acted on included
'to mark straight lines use masking tape....just plonk it on your fabric, sew next to the line and reposition it - doesn't leave any marks on the material'and
'choose a fancy stitch, a simple one with a wave or extended zig zag works best. That way you're following the seams but not worrying about hiding the stitches in the ditch, and also if you wobble a little it's not obvious'
I am
not telling you how many times those seams have been re-sewn, but I am now reasonably happy.
The idea is to quilt each mat in a slightly different way - & if each one is as bloody difficult to get right as this one has been, I think that by the end I will be able to say to say I have completed a good chunk of my quilting apprenticeship!