Having been given a jelly roll and a quilting book for Christmas 2010, there is no excuse not to get on with quiltmaking.

Here's what happened next...


Friday, 11 February 2011

Finish Mat no.1!

I finished machine sewing the binding on the last mat and the runner this evening, and had a play with a needle catching the binding in on the first mat.

I thought that it would take longer, but an hour later, here's the first finish - hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!

So a couple of quick pics and bed - it's late.


  1. very professional, congratulations on your first finish!!

  2. That looks brilliant. Well done.

  3. Fan-blimmin'-tastic! I really like the catching down bit. Strange woman? Hope you're proud of yourself!

  4. The Girl Done Good!

    Well done on your first excellent quilt (even if it is a mini one).

  5. Thank you, one and all!

    Signed, Mrs McSmug from Smugland!



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